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Why We Help...

We wanted to find a way to give back to the lifestyle that has given so much to us personally .  Six years ago we were both working full time jobs and still living pay check to pay check . We were not sure how all of our bills were getting paid much less how our kids were going to have a Christmas, it was our lifestyle family that stepped up without thinking twice.  We were fortunate enough to have people in our lives to help but we know that not everyone does.  We decided then even if it’s only 1 family we help we wanted to make a difference.  This will be our 5th year and along with everyone’s help who has ever contributed we have been able to provide food, clothes , help with medical bills and make sure there were presents under the tree Christmas morning for 10 families. We are excited to continue the tradition this year
Thank you all
Phil and Kim 

How We Help...


Help with Daily Necessities

Help with Food

Help with the Holidays

How it works...

"Sharing is Caring" families are nominated to us by others in the lifestyle. Their names are kept confidential unless the families choose otherwise.  The only requirements we have is that they must be in the lifestyle, have children and have a legitimate need for help that is due to things beyond their own control such as loss of job, death in the family, sudden change in their income, extended illness etc...    These needs can range from gift cards for needed expenses, presents under a tree for a family with none, groceries to put food on their table, paying for a delivery of oil for heat, helping to pay electric bills, gas to get to places etc....  We also realize that these things are not only holiday related and this year we did the program a couple of times due to so many families needing help.   

Giving Back...


You can nominate yourself or someone else who is in need.  All nominations and donations will be respectfully kept confidential.


Thanks for submitting!

Nomination Requirements: MUST be in the lifestyle and MUST have children

Help a lifestyle family in need!

Your donation will go towards helping a lifestyle family who is struggling to get by.

Contact USDPnation for Information on how to Donate Today!

©2022 by USDP. 

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