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Dem girls is an awesome group of ladies from all walks within the lifestyle that were chosen to represent The Upsidedownpineapple. They show everyday that the lifestyle is so much more than people judge us to be. They are your everyday Moms, Aunts, Sisters, Wives, Workers, Business Owners and Friends. The only difference is that they are ladies in the lifestyle. These ladies can usually be found somewhere building new friendships that become family, supporting each other in every way from parenting advice to sexual health to relationships and so much more. They show that women can truly be strong and independent individuals who lift each other up and straighten each other’s crowns when we need it. We are so proud to have them sharing with others our motto of “educating, encouraging and enhancing the Lifestyle “ and that it is truly “not just the hookup “.

Meet Dem Girls

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Dem Girls from Hedo in 2024

©2022 by USDP. 

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The pages of this website are designed by USDPnation and for ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and content that some may find offensive.  So if you are under 21, get easily offended, have a closed mind of thinking, or if it is illegal to read or view such material in your community, please exit this site immediately.  Use of the USDPnation website or any linked site will be your agreement to USDPnation terms and conditions.  I am over 21 - I accept all responsibility for my own actions - I agree that it is my choice to continue to view the USDPnation website.  

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